What you need to know about:

Radiofrequency Ablation for Pain Relief

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1 week or more
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Time it takes:
30-90 minutes
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Overview of

Radiofrequency Ablation for Pain Relief

in Thailand

Radiofrequency ablation for pain relief is a process for reducing inflammation of the facet joints of the spine and alleviating pain at the neck and back by using the heat from high-frequency radio waves on the nerves to interrupt pain signals in the spine before travelling to the brain.

Goals of

Radiofrequency Ablation for Pain Relief

To reduce inflammation of the facet joints of the spine and alleviate pain at the neck and back

Price of

Radiofrequency Ablation for Pain Relief

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Pros and cons of

Radiofrequency Ablation for Pain Relief


The benefits of radiofrequency ablation include: avoiding surgery, immediate pain relief, little to no recovery time, decreased need for pain medication, improved function, and a quicker return to work and other activities.


The complications reported in the literature include: temporary increase in nerve pain, neuritis, neuroma, localized numbness, infection, allergic reaction to medications used during the procedure, and/or lack of pain relief (in less than 30% of patients).

How it works:

Radiofrequency Ablation for Pain Relief

Before the procedure you will be given anesthesia and medication to reduce anxiety and pain. You will then be positioned on your stomach on the procedure bed. The doctor will inject a local anesthesia to numb the affected area and then insert a needle through the skin over the facet joint causing the pain. Fluoroscopy will be used to check the position of the needle before heat from high-frequency radio waves is applied to the nerves to interrupt the pain signals from the spine to the brain.

Preparation before

Radiofrequency Ablation for Pain Relief

Pre - treatment

Do not eat within six hours of your appointment; however, you may have clear liquids until two hours before the procedure. If you have diabetes and use insulin, you must adjust the dosage of insulin the day of the procedure. Your primary care doctor will help you with this adjustment. Bring your diabetes medication with you so you can take it after the procedure. Continue to take all other medications with a small sip of water. Bring all medication with you so you can take it after the procedure. Please note: Do not discontinue any medication without first consulting with your primary or referring doctor. You will need to bring someone with you to drive you home after the procedure. You should not drive or operate machinery for at least 24 hours after the procedure.

Recovery after

Radiofrequency Ablation for Pain Relief

Post - treatment

You will have a few restrictions immediately following radiofrequency ablation: Do not drive or operate machinery for at least 24 hours after the procedure. You may resume your normal diet. Do not engage in any strenuous activity for the first 24 hours after the procedure. Do not take a bath for one to two days after the procedure; you may shower. You may remove any bandages in the evening before going to bed.

Risks & side effects

The main side effect of RFA is some discomfort, including swelling and bruising at the site of the treatment, but this generally goes away after a few days. After the procedure you might experience: Leg numbness: If you have any leg numbness, walk only with assistance. This should only last a few hours and is due to the local anesthesia given during the procedure. Mild back discomfort: This may occur when the local anesthetic wears off and usually lasts two or three days. Apply ice to the area the day of the procedure and moist heat the day after the procedure if the discomfort persists. You may also use your usual pain medications. If you feel severe pain at the injection site and notice swelling and redness, or increased leg weakness, have someone take you to the nearest emergency room


Radiofrequency Ablation for Pain Relief

Is Radiofrequency Ablation Safe?

RFA has proven to be a safe and effective way to treat some forms of pain. It also is generally well-tolerated, with very few associated complications. There is a slight risk of infection and bleeding at the insertion site. Your doctor can advise you about your particular risk.

What is pain relief like after the procedure?

How much pain is relieved after the procedure varies from person to person. It can take three or more weeks for the full effects of radiofrequency ablation to be felt. The pain relief may last six months to a year or even longer. Sometimes, nerves do grow back. In such cases, the radiofrequency ablation may need to be repeated.  After the procedure, it becomes easier to be more active. Having pain makes it hard to be active. A person who has had a great deal of pain may have weaker muscles. It is important to build up strength and fitness gradually.

What do results look like after this procedure?

Pain relief may last from 9 months to more than 2 years. It is possible the nerve will regrow through the burned lesion that was created by radiofrequency ablation. If the nerve regrows, it is usually 6-12 months after the procedure. Radiofrequency ablation is 70-80% effective in people who have successful nerve blocks. The procedure can be repeated if needed.

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