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Ultrasound Therapy

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Overview of

Ultrasound Therapy

in Thailand

Ultrasound Therapy is the use of ultrasound to treat any problems with body tissues that can cause pain or injury. It works by having the ultrasound machine send an electric current to the ultrasound probe, making the probe vibrate. These vibrations will cause sound waves to travel and penetrate through the skin. These waves are between 0.7 to 3.3 MhZ and can penetrate up to 2 to 5 cm, which makes it much more effective than the usage of warm compresses, which can only reach up to 1 cm. 

Ultrasound Therapy can be extremely helpful to postpartum women experiencing issues with their breasts such as engorgement and clogged milk ducts. The sound waves can help manage the pain that usually comes with breast engorgement, and they also cause the milk ducts to expand which helps them become unclogged.

Goals of

Ultrasound Therapy

With the proper assessment and recommendation of a doctor, ultrasound therapy can be a great way to treat breast engorgement and clogged milk ducts. 

A licensed physical therapist will carry out the session ensuring everything goes smoothly. As is usually the case, the number of sessions needed can vary based on the patient’s situation. While it’s possible to resolve the issue with just one session, multiple sessions may also be needed to fully treat the concern. 

Price of

Ultrasound Therapy

Average Cost


Price Range


Pros and cons of

Ultrasound Therapy


  • ultrasound therapy is a simple procedure that causes minimal to no pain to the patient. When done right by a licensed professional, there aren’t any known harmful side effects. 
  • anesthetics are not required or used for the procedure at all, eliminating the risk of a bad reaction.
  • the procedure is non-invasive which causes less risk and requires much less recovery time.


  • the ultrasound probe needs to be moved around constantly and should not stay in one spot for an excessive period of time or it can cause minor superficial burns.
  • the bursting of the microscopic bubbles used in cavitation ultrasound therapy can cause some discomfort because of the shockwaves. 
  • there are some limitations to ultrasound therapy and the areas it can be used on. For instance, it cannot be used on pregnant women and people with pacemakers, over any wounds, broken skin or bones, implants, and other sensitive parts of the body.

How it works:

Ultrasound Therapy

There are two kinds of ultrasound therapy available, thermal ultrasound therapy and cavitation ultrasound therapy (also called mechanical). While both kinds use sound waves, there are differences between the processes and the use cases. 

The sound waves in thermal ultrasound cause the tissues to vibrate and heat up. This deep heating helps in treating the pain, improving the blood circulation, and encouraging the healing around the compromised tissue.

On the other hand, cavitation ultrasound causes the creation of microscopic bubbles through a difference in pressure applied on tissue fluids. The movement and bursting of these microscopic bubbles near the target tissue create shockwaves that help treat the area and promote healing.

Preparation before

Ultrasound Therapy

Pre - treatment

Not much preparation is required before an ultrasound therapy session, aside from the doctor’s approval. It would be best though to try to wear loose and comfortable clothing on the day of the session to avoid any inconveniences down the line.

Recovery after

Ultrasound Therapy

Post - treatment

After the therapy session, it is best to drain the milk ducts completely as much as possible. This can be done through frequent and regular breastfeeding, manually expressing the milk, or using a breast pump or double pump. Breastfeed or use a breast pump for 30 to 35 minutes minimum. A double pump can be a better and more efficient option as it can drain the milk ducts from both breasts simultaneously. Just remember to use a warm compress between 5 to 10 minutes before the next breastfeeding or pumping session in order to help in soothing the breasts. Massaging the breasts can also be a good idea beforehand. 

Breastfeeding the baby as often as possible and at least once every 3 hours is ideal. If the baby doesn’t want to latch or feed, one can use a breast pump to supplement instead in order to empty the breasts as much and as completely as possible. The breast pump should be used every 2 to 3 hours during the day and every 3 hours during the night. If there’s any pain or discomfort after either breastfeeding or pumping, use a cold compress over the area and or take some over the counter pain medication such as paracetamol.

During this time it’s best to eat as healthily as possible and to avoid sweets and  food that is high in fat. While dealing with breast engorgement, stay away from food that is known to increase milk supply to avoid any further discomfort. 

Regularly visiting the doctor and keeping up with routine appointments are also very essential. If conditions such as breast engorgement or clogged milk ducts are left untreated or unmonitored, they can lead to other health complications such as mastitis or breast abscesses.

Risks & side effects

Ultrasound Therapy is considered low-risk and there are little to no harmful side effects when the session is administered correctly by a trained professional. There are also no anesthetics required throughout the procedure so the patient can stay awake for the entirety of the session.


Ultrasound Therapy

Does ultrasound therapy work?

Yes, ultrasound therapy can be a helpful avenue to treat and manage pain as the sound waves penetrate at least twice as deep into the skin than warm compresses.

Will ultrasound therapy hurt?

No, it’s common for patients to not feel anything at all while the procedure is happening. With that said, it is still possible to experience some discomfort , depending on the required intensity to treat the health concern or the patient’s personal pain tolerance.

Is ultrasound therapy safe? 

Yes, the procedure itself is non-invasive and has little to no risks. It’s also only performed by licensed physical therapists at the advice of a doctor.

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