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Blood Tests

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Overview of

Blood Tests

in Thailand

What is a blood test and what can it reveal about your health?

A blood test is a standard laboratory procedure often performed as a part of preventive healthcare or routine medical check-up. It involves the analysis of a small sample of blood taken from the patient and is often done to measure its components and identify the presence of certain diseases. Most blood work is done within minutes. Depending on the type of test and how soon the blood sample reaches the lab for testing, results may be available in a few hours to a few days.

The type and frequency of blood work needed to be done depends on several factors such as age and individual health conditions. It is an essential test to establish baselines for further evaluation and follow-up treatment. While not all tests are done annually, it is recommended that simple bloodwork be done annually for optimum wellness and consistency.

Blood tests are vital in understanding your body and improving your overall health. These tests allow you to identify existing medical conditions or potential health risks, thereby allowing you to address these concerns as soon as possible. Blood exams are also incredibly helpful when you fall sick, helping physicians immediately find effective treatment. By proactively undergoing these tests regularly, you are going the extra mile and ensuring that everything is right on track when it comes to your health.

Goals of

Blood Tests

The major goal of blood screening is to promote the early detection of many illnesses. Without early intervention, many of these diseases can progress into debilitating and even life-threatening conditions.

  • Cancer - Types of blood work used for cancer diagnosis includes CBC (Complete Blood   Count) which measures the number of specific components in your blood, and Protein tests which are used to detect the presence of abnormal system proteins in your blood.
  • Heart disease -  When cardiac muscles are impaired, they release certain substances and proteins into the bloodstream. Blood tests gauge the levels of these substances in the blood, allowing your physician to determine the extent of damage to your heart muscles. A cholesterol test measures the amount of fat in your blood. The Triglyceride test determines whether the amount of calories in your body is proportional to the amount you burn. These tests both help determine your heart’s overall health.
  • Hepatitis C - The HCV antibody blood test determines both present and previous Hepatitis-C infection by detecting the presence of Hepatitis-C antibodies present in the blood.  
  • HIV and AIDS. In the United States, The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends that all individuals between the ages of 13 and 64 be screened for HIV ( https://www.webmd.com/hiv-aids/hiv-aids-screening). . Nowadays, there are several types of blood tests being utilized to screen for HIV/Aids:

Antibody Screening Test - Also known as the ELISA test, this type of blood work accurately detects a protein that the body produces 2-8 weeks after an HIV infection.

Antigen Combination Test- This blood test checks for the presence of p24, an HIV antigen protein that is normally produced 2-4 weeks after the onset of infection. This test is also useful in determining whether your body has already formed antibodies against the virus.

Nucleic Acid Test - Sometimes referred to as RNA Test, it can detect the presence of HIV as early as 10 days after exposure. It is also often prescribed to people who are at high-risk and have had flu-like symptoms.

Apart from early detection of illness. blood tests are also prescribed for the following purposes:

  • To help your physician understand how well your heart, liver, thyroid, and kidneys are functioning.
  • To determine whether current medications are working.
  • To diagnose certain bleeding or clotting disorders.
  • To check how well your immune system is reacting to an infection.
  • To monitor the progression of chronic health conditions
  • To measure blood components and diagnose specific types of Anemia (Iron-deficiency Anemia, Pernicious Anemia, Aplastic Anemia, or hemolytic Anemia).

Price of

Blood Tests

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Pros and cons of

Blood Tests


  • Blood testing can provide definitive answers to your medical concerns. Whenever you feel that something is wrong with your body and you feel anxious about the cause of your symptoms, blood testing will help your physician provide you with an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
  • Blood testing is an efficient tool to monitor disease progression. This especially applies when you suffer from a chronic illness, where there is a need to regularly monitor your blood work. Depending on the severity of your health condition, blood testing may be done on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.
  • A blood test is a relatively straightforward procedure as compared to other diagnostic tests. While needle insertion may be uncomfortable for some, the process is quick and the risks are minimal.
  • Blood tests provide extremely reliable data for tracking your health and wellness status. Routine blood testing gives you a clearer perspective of how your body regenerates over time, allowing you to make informed decisions about your health. 


  • Blood testing can be extremely uncomfortable for some people, and can trigger panic and anxiety for some who exhibit fear of injections, blood, or needles.
  • Although rare, there is a slight possibility of having false-positive or false-negative results. This can cause unnecessary fear in people who are suddenly faced with health issues they don't have. On the other hand, a false negative result can cause a delay in treatment and further disease progression.
  • Some blood test results can be obtained fairly quickly, but some can take days or even weeks to come out. This period of waiting can cause anxiety for patients who are eager to know what is wrong with their health.
  • Without insurance coverage, blood testing can be quite expensive. On average, blood work done in a lab for a patient in the United States without insurance will cost around $1,500

How it works:

Blood Tests

The most frequent site for taking samples for blood testing is the inside of the elbow or wrist where most veins are closer to the surface of the skin.  For children, blood is often drawn from the back of their hands where the skin is numbed to lessen discomfort.

Before taking a blood sample, the arm is fastened with a tight band called a tourniquet.

This process helps slow down the flow of blood in the arm and dilate the veins, making it easier to draw the blood sample needed. The puncture site is then sanitized with an antiseptic wipe before needle insertion.

A needle is inserted into the vein and the syringe is used for drawing blood. This can cause a slight prick but should only take a few seconds to finish. Once the blood sample has been drawn, the tourniquet is removed and slight pressure is applied to the injection site using sterile cotton or an antiseptic wipe.

10 important types of blood tests and who they’re for

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC) - This is the most common type of blood work which primarily checks the levels of the different components of your blood. Since these blood cells say a lot about your health, CBC testing is a perfect method to discover whether you have an infection, inflammation, or whether any of your blood’s components are dangerously high or low. CBC is ideal for both those who are sick and those who are keen on keeping their health in check.
  • Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) - BMP is used to measure the levels of the eight different substances found in your blood (glucose, calcium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, chloride, Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), and Creatinine). BUN is often used for patients suspected of having kidney problems and Acid-base or Electrolyte imbalance.
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Pattern (CMP)-  Otherwise known as a Chemical screen, CMP evaluates 14 substances in the blood. CMP also checks for the levels of Albumin, Total Bilirubin, Total Protein, Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), and Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST). CMP is often used to regularly monitor disease progression for those who suffer from Diabetes or Hypertension. It is also used to check on the kidney and liver damage of individuals taking certain oral medications.
  • Lipid Panel - A lipid panel is a widely used test that is used to monitor and identify abnormalities in lipids, particularly cholesterol and triglycerides. The results can reveal genetic diseases and determine a patient's predisposition to various cardiovascular diseases.
  • Thyroid Panel - a thyroid panel is a group of tests that evaluate thyroid function and is used to check for thyroid disorders. This test is especially useful in the diagnosis and treatment of patients that exhibit symptoms of an overactive thyroid (Hyperthyroidism) or underactive thyroid (Hypothyroidism) that occurs from having a thyroid disorder.
  • Cardiac Biomarkers - This type of test measures the levels of biomarkers (hormones, enzymes, and proteins) that are released into the blood when a patient experiences cardiac distress due to heart damage or inflammation. A cardiac biomarker is ordered for patients who are experiencing chest pain and provides a timely and accurate diagnosis of ACS (Acute Coronary Syndrome).
  • Sexually Transmitted Infection Tests - This test is done to screen for certain sexually transmitted infections such as HIV, Herpes, or late-stage Syphilis. It is recommended that sexually active individuals undergo this type of bloodwork. All adults and adolescents from ages 13-64 should be tested at least once for HIV.
  • Coagulation Panel - This is a group of tests that are done to check for blood clotting and coagulation time.  This information is significant for the diagnosis of bleeding problems and clotting disorders (Hemophilia). A coagulation test is a vital tool in many scenarios, particularly before an operation, to assess and manage bleeding risks.  
  • DHEA-sulfate Serum Test - This measures the number of steroids your body can convert into androgens or estrogens. High levels of these are indicative of an adrenal tumor and may also be a symptom of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). On the other hand, low levels may suggest Addison's disease. This test is often prescribed for women who exhibit signs of male body changes or extreme masculine features.
  • C- Reactive Protein Test - This test measures the level of C-reactive protein (CRP) in your blood, which is produced by the liver. An abnormally high level signals an infection or inflammation. Because a high level of CRP in the blood is linked to heart attacks, a CRP test is recommended for people who have a 10%- 20% chance of heart attack within the next 10 years.

Preparation before

Blood Tests

Pre - treatment

There are no special precautions or preparations before blood tests, except for those that require fasting (no food or drinks for a few hours before the test). It is advised you are well rested before the procedure so that you can better manage any discomfort during the test. You should also avoid any alcohol intake before the procedure. Your doctor will inform you in case there are any special precautions to follow.

Recovery after

Blood Tests

Post - treatment

To avoid any risk of bleeding, bruising, or swelling, and to minimize discomfort after a blood test, it is best to follow these precautions.

  • Keep the sterile strip in place for at least an hour.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing
  • Avoid lifting or any strenuous activity involving the use of the affected arm
  • In case of pain or discomfort in the injection site, you may elevate your arm and apply an ice pack for about 10 minutes.
  • Avoid taking aspirin or ibuprofen for pain since they are blood thinners and may cause bleeding.
  • Eat nutritious food and rest well

Risks & side effects

  • Infection - Because blood testing requires the use of needles in acquiring blood samples, there will always be a risk of infection.  For this reason, doctors,  nurses, and other medical staff are required to follow health protocols regarding the use, storage, and disposal of needles.
  • Bleeding - While it's normal to have a little bleeding after the skin is punctured, there are rare cases when the puncture site bleeds excessively. Health care professionals should quickly attend to this when it happens, stopping the bleeding and avoiding further blood loss.
  • Bruising - Needle insertion causes trauma to the skin and surrounding areas, and mild bruising is quite normal. However, a few individuals may experience severe bruising which usually results from a punctured vein around the insertion site.
  • Dizziness and fainting - Some people are extremely fearful of blood, injection, or needles and report feeling dizzy during and after a blood testing procedure.


Blood Tests

What medications and substances affect blood test results?

The use of some non-prescription drugs like aspirin, cold medications, or alcoholic beverages can sometimes affect the result of a  blood test. This is why it is important to inform your physician about any medication you are taking so that they can provide you with special instructions when necessary.

How long does it take to have my blood test results?

The amount of time it may take before results come out depends on factors such as the type of test, the method used, and the site of the procedure.

What is the most common type of blood test?

CBC (Complete Blood Count) is the most widely used type of blood test. This is also carried out during routine medical consultations.

How often should I get a blood test?

The frequency of blood tests varies from one patient to another. This is based on the patient's age and general health condition. Ideally, healthy individuals should go for blood tests at least once or twice a year.

Can a blood test detect cancer?

Blood test results alone cannot make a definitive diagnosis of cancer. However, it can detect the presence of unusual cells in the blood. Alongside other laboratory tests, it can provide valuable data for the doctor so they can evaluate your condition and formulate a treatment plan you can follow.

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