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YAG Laser Capsulotomy

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Overview of

YAG Laser Capsulotomy

in Thailand

YAG laser capsulotomy involves a laser being aimed at the posterior lens capsule to create a hole in the posterior lens capsule that allows light in and improves vision.

Goals of

YAG Laser Capsulotomy

YAG laser capsulotomy is laser surgery you might need sometime after cataract surgery. It helps you see clearly if your vision becomes cloudy again. When you have cataract surgery, your ophthalmologist removes your eye's cloudy lens. They replace it with a clear, artificial intraocular lens (IOL). The IOL is held in place in the eye’s natural lens capsule. Weeks, months or years later, this capsule can become cloudy or wrinkled, causing blurry vision. This is called a posterior capsule opacification (PCO). It’s also sometimes called a "secondary cataract" or "scar tissue." With posterior capsulotomy, a laser is used to make an opening in the cloudy capsule. This allows light to pass through again for clear vision.

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YAG Laser Capsulotomy

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Pros and cons of

YAG Laser Capsulotomy


-The laser treatment is to remove the cloudy capsule thickening in your eye, which aims to restore your vision to how it was after your cataract operation.


-Complications after this treatment are very uncommon. Occasionally the pressure inside the eye rises immediately after the laser treatment.  

-This treatment usually comes in the form of eye drops, but may come in the form of tablets. Your doctor will let you know which treatment you need and advise you of how long you need to take the treatment for. If we do treat you with eye drops, a doctor or nurse will put then in your eye before you leave hospital. You will be asked to remain in the department until your eye pressure has lowered to a satisfactory level. This should take a few hours at most.  

-Occasionally the opening made by the laser beam is incomplete, or not big enough. This will be discovered either after your treatment, or on your follow-up visit. If this is the case, it will be necessary to repeat the treatment at a later date.

How it works:

YAG Laser Capsulotomy

You will receive eyedrops to dilate your pupils and anesthetic drops before the laser treatment. The doctor will aim the laser at the posterior lens capsule. The procedure will take approximately 5-15 minutes, depending on the opacity of the lens capsule. During the procedure you will be asked to look at a spot and try not to move your eyes.

Preparation before

YAG Laser Capsulotomy

Pre - treatment

Understand the treatment. The laser treatment can be performed immediately after examination. You can eat normally before the procedure. It is recommended that you bring sunglasses to wear after the procedure to protect your eyes from the light (only during the day). Bring a friend or family member with you as pupil dilation will cause blurry vision. Remove all reflective jewelry and accessories, such as those made from stainless steel, diamonds, etc. Sign all consent forms for the procedure.

Recovery after

YAG Laser Capsulotomy

Post - treatment

The results of the laser surgery are almost immediate. But if you have had drops applied to widen your pupil, this can make your vision a little blurry immediately afterwards. This is one reason why you won’t be able to drive home from your appointment. The effects of drops used to widen your pupil can take around 8 hours to wear off.  You’ll be advised to rest when you get home, and perhaps get some sleep. Your vision is likely to be much clearer when you wake up, as the effects of the drops will probably have worn off by then.  Follow-up appointments will be arranged, and you should continue to have yearly check-ups to keep track of the health of your eyes.  

Your doctor will tell you that:  

-You should not rub your eyes for at least two days after the procedure.  

-You can use your eyes normally. On the first day after the laser procedure, you may wear sunglasses as pupil dilation makes eyes sensitive to the light. This will be better within 4-6 hours. Use eye drops as prescribed by the doctor.  

-You can wash your face, wear make-up, and do other regular activities.

-You should avoid driving as pupil dilation causes blurry vision.

Risks & side effects

Blurry vision from the pupil dilation will resolve itself within 4-6 hours. Some patients may experience tightness in the eyes. If the discomfort is not manageable, pain medication can be taken. Some patients may see floaters due to the improvement in vision. Normally it will be better within 1-2 weeks. If you experience any abnormal symptoms, such as reduced vision, severe redness of the eyes, excessive eye discharge, or persistent pain, please see a doctor immediately.


YAG Laser Capsulotomy

What are the travel restrictions?

There are no limitations for travel before or after the procedure.

To what extent can this procedure improve my vision?

YAG surgery should restore your vision back to how it was immediately after your initial cataract or lens replacement surgery. It works to remove blurring of vision which can occur after cataract surgery, if the posterior (back) of the lens capsule has become cloudy. If you had good, clear vision after your cataract surgery, but your vision has become cloudy since then, YAG surgery should restore that clarity of vision.

How long does it take for your vision to improve after YAG Surgery?

The effects of the surgery are almost immediate, but your vision may be blurry for a short while afterwards, especially if you had drops applied to widen your pupil before the procedure. These drops can cause blurring of your vision, with the effects taking up to 8 hours to wear off. After that though, your vision should be restored back to how it was immediately after your initial cataract surgery.

What if the procedure is not performed?

Vision will continue to deteriorate due to increased lens capsule opacity.

What do I need to do after I go home?

Anti-inflammatory drops may be prescribed after the laser treatment. These help to minimize inflammation (not infection) within the eye. People normally have to take these only for a few days or a week at most – your doctor will tell you how long you need to use them for. You do not need antibiotics, as there is no open wound on your eye.

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