What you need to know about:

Hernia Repair

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Recovery Period:
23 hours or less in hospital
5 years
Time it takes:
30-45 minutes
Hospitals & Clinics
General, regional (spinal), or Local Anesthesia

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Overview of

Hernia Repair

in Thailand

A hernia repair is a surgical procedure to fix a hernia. A hernia occurs when an internal organ, usually the intestine, or a piece of fat pokes through a weak area in the muscular wall of the abdomen. Symptoms of hernia depend on its location; some types may not have any symptoms at all. Without treatment some may grow and cause pain. In some cases, hernia may cause obstruction of the intestines or block blood flow to organs. These are considered serious types of hernia and require surgery. There are 3 types of hernias that may occur. They incllude; Inguinal hernias, umbilical hernias, and incisional hernias. There are also other types of hernia found in the abdomen, such as hiatal hernia, diaphragmatic hernia, and obturator hernia.

Goals of

Hernia Repair

A hernia must be treated with surgery. If untreated it can grow bigger and cause serious complications as mentioned previously. An inguinal hernia repair usually involves the placement of a surgical mesh over the weakened area to strengthen it. In patients with inguinal hernia, it has been found that less than 1% will have a recurrence with this procedure. For umbilical and incisional hernia, the doctor will close up the opened area and reinforce it with surgical mesh.

Price of

Hernia Repair

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Pros and cons of

Hernia Repair


-Surgery offers a definitive approach to repairing hernias.


-Surgery comes with complications such as; reaction to anesthesia, bleeding and infection at the incision site. nerve damage, dysfunction of skin sensation, and numbness near the incision site.

How it works:

Hernia Repair

The two most common procedures for treating hernias include: 1. A herniotomy involves only the removal of the hernia sac without repairing the abdominal wall. This technique is commonly used in small children. 2. A herniorrhaphy is a preferred method for hernia repair with the best results. The bulging tissue is pushed back in and the weakened area is strengthened. There are many ways to do this, whether the hole is stitched closed or a surgical mesh is placed over the area to strengthen it. The mess is attached to nearby muscles.

Preparation before

Hernia Repair

Pre - treatment

Before the procedure your doctor will explain the objective of the procedure as well as the method that will be used. The doctor will also tell you the type of anesthesia that will be used and if the procedure will be done as an in-patient or out-patient. You can prepare for the procedure as follows: Please let your doctor know if you have any existing medical conditions and if you are taking any medication. Please also let your doctor know if you have any allergies to medicine or food, if you have had surgery before and the type of anesthesia used and if you experienced any complications from it. If you drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, please stop doing both for at least two weeks or up to a month before the procedure, especially if general anesthesia will be used. This helps prevent complications due to compromised lung function and prevents coughing after the procedure. You will need to fast for at least eight hours before the procedure or as recommended by your doctor to prevent the aspiration of food particles into your lungs while you are under general anesthesia.

Recovery after

Hernia Repair

Post - treatment

Patients usually experience mild pain that can be controlled with medication. You can usually sip water after the procedure and can increase the amount until you are ready to eat normal food. Expect to feel tired for a few days after surgery and plan to take it easy and return to normal activities slowly. It usually takes about two weeks for recovery from surgery. Do not lift anything heavy for at least four to six weeks to prevent rupture of incisions and to help the internal wound heal more quickly.

Risks & side effects

Reaction to anesthesia. Bleeding and infection at the incision site. Nerve damage, dysfunction of skin sensation, and numbness near the incision site. Chronic pain at the incision site (rare).


Hernia Repair

What are the travel recommendations regarding this procedure?

If you are taking any blood-thinning, medication/anticoagulant, please let your doctor know as some may need to be stopped before you travel for the procedure. Travelers to Thailand should plan to stay in the country for at least one week or for the entire duration of treatment. If you plan to return home after the procedure, please speak to your doctor before making travel arrangements. During your follow-up appointment your medical team will assess your health and your incision and you will receive documents detailing your medical and treatment history and your "Fit to Fly" certificate (if needed).

What are the signs and symptoms of hernias?

The most common symptom of a hernia is a bulge that appears when walking or exercising that may disappear when you lay flat. It may or may not be painful. A bulge that doesn’t go away and severe abdominal pain can be signs of an incarcerated hernia, which can lead to strangulated hernia that requires emergency surgery.

Are there non-surgical treatments for my hernia?

Maybe. You and your hernia are unique. Your care should be individualized to you. Patients who have a groin strain and not a hernia need physical therapy to improve their core imbalance. Patients who have a hernia with minimal symptoms can often safely wait to have surgery. Some patients with a diagnosed hernia can use a hernia belt or truss to delay hernia surgery, while other patients need hernia surgery soon to relieve symptoms and reduce the risk of an incarcerated hernia.

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